Hemp Drying Podcast

Hemp Drying Podcast

February 5, 2021

Watch the talk we had with Christina Etter of Cannabis Tech about the hurdles of hemp and how to overcome them! Watch the video, stream the audio recording on your podcast platform, or read the description from Cannabis Tech’s website below.

Kason, Marion Process Solutions, and ABM Equipment join forces to solve post-harvest challenges with integrated solutions.”

Commercial cannabis and hemp operations have just a matter of days after harvest to dry massive amounts of biomass. Yet, cobbled-together systems often create hazards that can lead to devastating catastrophes. Over the past year, hemp producers reported several fires caused by their drying equipment.

Recognizing the challenges, three experienced equipment manufacturers have joined forces to provide farmers and producers a better, more efficient, and safer way to dry their harvest.


In this podcast, we speak with leaders from each of the following equipment providers:

  • Jim Ling, Director of Sales, joins us from Kason, a process equipment manufacturer that specializes in separation technologies. Although the company has been operating since 1967, they partnered with Marion Process Solutions two years ago, recognizing areas the two companies shared and could expand on.
  • Lee Eilers, President of Marion Process Solutions, offers his insight and enthusiasm for the emerging industry. Marion Process Solutions is an entity focused on mixers and blenders for many uses, including foods, chemicals, minerals, and biomass. With 83 years of expertise in the mixing and blending space, this company brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the fledgling hemp and cannabis space.
  • Jeff Walling, the owner of ABM Equipment, along with Adam DuBose, VP of Operations, discusses the new drying system in detail. ABM Equipment, a design-built integrator, has over 20 years of experience. ABM provides equipment service and installation, engineering, complete design-build processes, and a control house, which allows them to provide a solution from beginning to end, or as they say, “from field to package.”

We also enjoy a guest appearance from Brad Sterner, the CEO of Advanced Material Processing, an umbrella platform presiding over Marion and Kason. He explains the forethought that brought this trio of companies together.


With over 150 years of combined experience between the three equipment providers, their new hemp drying and processing equipment offer the integrated solution producers require for safe, efficient operation.

Watch the podcast to:

  • Learn more about how the system works
  • Watch a video explanation of the system from start to finish, as well as
  • Discover other commercial processing equipment like,
    • Bud-sorters
    • Food-grade ice hash systems

Watch the podcast on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcast platform!