Spent Grain Dewatering Screeners
Low-Cost, High-Quality
An entry option for when you don’t need to dewater more than 18 GPM of spent grain slurry.

Pump or drop spent grain slurry into the screener and get the grain discharged out the side.
With 30″ models costing around 8k and 43″ costing around 13,5, they’re much cheaper than centrifuges.
Made in the US with high-quality metal and parts, they’ll reduce your spent grain ails for almost ever.
An old and simple technology that is easy to integrate with other equipment or use manually.
Many distillers are stuck in an odd position where grain is too unwieldy to dewater manually, but they can’t justify the cost of a centrifuge. Whereas centrifuges are designed for 15-100 GPM throughputs, screeners can strain up to 18 GPM before the space they take is worth more than the cost of upgrading to a centrifuge.
• For flow rates between 1 and 18 GPM
• Vibrates/strains grain
• Convenient Design
• Quick, simple setup
• Easy to automate
• 1-man operation, assembly, and breakdown
• Combustion proof motors for utmost safety
• Adjustable speed for fine tuning separation needs
• Reduce disposal costs
• Reduced operation costs
• Open or closed and easy to use
• Can set up within minutes if feeding manually
• Toolless breakdown and cleaning
In either use-case, the vibration patterns can be changed to increase/decrease the amount of the time the spent grain spends on the screens, or the direction it flows.
By removing the lid, distillers can dump buckets of grain into the top of the unit. The water will flow out of the bottom of the unit while the dewatered grain is discharged out the side of the unit into whatever is collecting it.
The spent grain slurry is pumped/dumped into the top inlet of the unit, with the water being piped into its resting place and the spent grain being pumped into a silo (ideally.)
Reasons distillers need to dewater their spent grain
The #1 reason brewers and distillers dewater their spent grain is because they’re required to by their city. This is because large volumes of organic solids can 1, disrupt the biological methods used to treat wastewater and 2, become an oxygen-sink that kills marine life.
But even if you’re not required to dewater, it’s an overall beneficial process whether you upcycle or throw it away. If spent grain is treated as waste, dewatering reduces most of the weight, and thus disposal cost. If it’s upcycled, this solution will automate the screening process. If you’re dewatering for distillation, screeners will automate this as well but will not pull as much off as a centrifuge.
Why this solution is superior
Our Dewatering Screeners
• Easy cleaning with a tool-less single unit disassembly
• Controlled noise (dramatically quieter than other solutions because the bed is tied to the frame with rubber instead of springs)
• USA-Made and supported
Next-Best Solution
• Less convenient disassembly
• Louder operation
• Made in India and China
Whether dewatering for yourself, the city, or the environment, tell us about your project so we can get you the best-available solution!