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Metal Detectors For Food

Metal detectors are low-cose method of detecting metallic contaminants that may have entered food products during harvesting, processing, or packaging. They have their own strengths and weaknesses when compared to X-ray, which are detailed here. We offer a variety of metal detectors from Advanced Detection along with software to improve its efficacy.

ProScan Max III Conveyor

Custom Configurations

Conveyor Metal Detectors

This type is the most common kind, and the first to come to mind: a metal detector integrated with a conveyor belt. The metal detector is usually located at the end of the conveyor belt and can detect metallic contaminants in packaged or unpackaged food items. These metal detectors are very efficient and can detect even small metal particles. They are easy to install and can be integrated into existing production lines.

Pipeline Metal Detectors

This type of metal detector is used in food processing industries where products are transported through pipelines. The metal detector is installed in the pipeline and can detect metallic contaminants in liquids or slurries. Pipeline metal detectors are designed to be easy to clean and maintain, and they can be customized to suit specific product and pipeline configurations.

Gravity-Fed Metal Detectors

This type of metal detector is used in the packaging industry, where products are dropped through a metal detector before being packaged. Gravity-fed metal detectors are easy to use and can detect metallic contaminants in a wide range of products, including dry, powdered, or granular products.

Custom Reject Systems

We can integrate any reject system into virtually any metal detector, regardless of brand.

Air blast reject system

This system uses a blast of compressed air to remove contaminated products from the production line. It is ideal for high-speed lines and can remove products without causing damage. The system is also suitable for handling delicate products, such as fruits and vegetables.

Pusher reject system

This system uses a mechanical arm to push contaminated products off the conveyor belt. The pusher arm is activated by a signal from the metal detector, and it can remove products quickly and efficiently.

Drop-down reject system

This system uses a series of air-operated pistons to drop contaminated products from the production line. It is suitable for handling heavy products, such as meat or cheese, and can remove them without causing damage.

Belt-stop reject system

This system stops the conveyor belt when a contaminated product is detected. It is suitable for low-speed lines and is ideal for handling large and heavy products.

Diverting reject system

This system diverts contaminated products to a separate reject channel or bin. It is ideal for handling small and light products and can remove them without causing damage.