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Bulk Handling Systems

ABM Equipment is a leading NW provider of bulk handling systems, with over 40 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, and installing custom systems for a variety of industries. Our team of experts is dedicated to creating solutions that meet your specific needs, whether you are looking to move bulk materials such as grain, cement, or minerals.

CAD drawing of bulk handling system

Bulk handling systems use semi or fully automatic equipment working as a cohesive unit to move large volumes of materials.

Why make the leap?

Improved efficiency and productivity

It’s almost always a daunting and resource-heavy task to automate anything in business, but it’s also almost always worth the investment. Not only do they scale your operations and reduce manpower, but having automated processes can also improve quality and consistency of the final product. We can help assess your application and remove uncertainties.

Reduced risk of injury and damage to equipment

Bulk handling systems often make the workplace safer. They eliminate the need for manual handling of materials, reducing the risk of employee injury and fatigue.

Streamlined operations

Bulk handling systems can reduce the amount of material wasted, reduce resource consumption per unit produced, and improve space utilization.

Why ABM Equipment?

Expertise and Experience

We have an intimate familiarity with different materials and how they like to be moved, stored, and mixed. This knowledge is how we add more value than we cost — by avoiding common mistakes and utilizing subtle advantages. We have worked with clients in a wide range of industries and products just like yours.

Turn-Key Integration

ABM is more than just a connection to OEMs. We select equipment we know we can integrate into a cohesive system that meets your output and budget targets. Equipment is tailored, transitions are customized, and the job-site is buttoned.

Quality Products

We use the highest quality materials for the equipment we build, using widely-available parts when possible. And the equipment we source is overwhelmingly from US/European manufacturers and is always designed and built to last. We use ethical, sustainable practices to ensure our customers’ needs are met.

Maintenance, Training, and Service

At ABM Equipment, we believe that exceptional service is the key to building long-term relationships with our clients. We are committed to providing the highest level of service, from the initial consultation to ongoing maintenance and support. Our team is available to answer any questions you may have and will work with you to ensure that your system is running smoothly and efficiently long after install.

Our process

Assessment: We assess the needs of the materials that will be handled, required flow rates, overall capacity, and potential bottlenecks.

Equipment selection & transitions: The best equipment for your application is selected, and the transitions that will allow product to flow from one stage to the other are determined.

Design: The layout of the system is designed to optimize the flow of materials, minimize the risk of jams or blockages, and ensure accessibility for personnel and forklifts, proximity to resources, etc.

Optimize: Anyone can do anything in a complicated way or over a long period of time. Process simplification is how good solutions are separated from technically working ones.

Establish control hardware & software: Whether you’re using an outside or ABM solution, controls and analytics should be as robust as your personnel can handle.

Order & fabricate: We will order the appropriate equipment from our supplier and fabricate the components coming from us.

Integration: Our fabricators and installers arrive on-site to assemble your system or integrate it into existing processes.

Test and commission: Our technicians run your system to ensure that it is working as intended. This includes testing sourced equipment and verifying that it meets the claimed specifications.

Train: Finally, it is important to provide training to employees who will be operating or working around the bulk handling system. This includes training on how to operate the equipment safely and efficiently, as well as how to perform basic maintenance and troubleshooting.

Maintain: We offer service contracts to reduce costs and risks of down-time, where we agree to maintain equipment on a schedule. Hopefully it never comes to this, but we also offer 24/7 service in case the unexpected strikes.

Get In Touch

Tell us about your product, how you’re currently making it, and any unique challenges of your application. We’ll have a few more questions and will then be able to get you a quote.

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